5 interesting things I read this week

As you can probably imagine, running a social commentary blog means, reading, and lots of it. Neither of us pulls this stuff out of thin air, so thank goodness for the Internet and all its delicious content. Here’s some of the stuff I found most stimulating this week, and even though I’m working on a few other pieces, you can bet some of these will get more attention in upcoming posts.

Why we took the cocaine out of soda

In a nutshell, Coke as we know it today, used to contain cocaine. What’s even better is the apparent reason why it was removed. Too many Negroes raping all the White women.

Wait, what?

I don’t want to give it away, so read the blurb

We all have ambitions and aspirations, talents and strengths. Some hidden, some not so much. One thing we all seem to be short on though, is time. As a result, some of those talents and dreams are wasted. Bills, kids, school, and all the other pressures of life force us to do what we may not want to, just to get by.

But wait!

If you had all the time in the world, to work on anything you wanted, what would you choose to do?

Frustrated airline ticket agent, and struggling author, Harper Lee was given a year’s wages as a Christmas present from her friends one year. After quitting her job, Lee finally had all the time in the world.

She used it to write To Kill a Mockingbird

Why you shouldn’t go to law school

Fairly compelling case on why you shouldn’t go to law school.

I wasn’t planning on going either way so that meant little to me, but it did get me thinking about all the all “truths” we accept about our education system in today’s world. Go to school, take this program, graduate, great job, life’s grand.

We all know this isn’t necessarily true anymore; but I thought if anything was a safe bet, it was most surely law school right?

Maybe not.

Honestly, I think we need more people doing what they really love, rather than what society or circumstances push them into.  In the words of a friend, of a friend (…of a friend?), of mine:

“Everyone goes to school to get a job after. I dropped out, and well, now I give out jobs.”

Shout out to the creators of Indochino.

And of course, the friend.

How the mixed-race generation is transforming the city

As one of the most diverse cities in the world, it’s interesting to think of how Toronto will change as more and more interracial couples, produce more and more interracial babies. As racial lines become blurred to the point of non-existance, will we find new things to judge and use to discriminate against one another? Or will we all become one big happy family?

Of course class will always be a decisive factor, and the author makes some interesting notes on that. But it’s an interesting idea nonetheless.

From Cherry to Cup: The economics of coffee

I mentioned coffee last week and it got me thinking, “Colin, how does the coffee get from where it is, to where you are?”

Of course, the answer wasn’t a very happy story.

Why does that always seem to be the case with big, hungry capitalism?

Solutions? Anyone??


As always, if you find any interesting stuff on your journey through the Internet, send it our way; might make its way into a post.

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2 Comments on “5 interesting things I read this week”

  1. March 4, 2013 at 1:08 am #

    So – as a future law school student (yes, me) I found this article quite interesting!

    But honestly, I didn’t really plan on writing much of a comment besides “OMG it was written by Tucker Max? I love him!”

    Also, my reasoning for law school wasn’t one of the 6 terrible, terrible answers listed. If you answer similar to that for any career, even kitten petter, you should be shot. Those are awful.
    I definitely think this article can be used for any program, if written as persuasively as Tucker writes. How many people are completely satisfied in their careers, period? Doctors? Dentists? Hair Stylists? I bet you’ll find the numbers aren’t so different for everyone else.

    I own all of Tucker’s books, even the e-book, and if anyone can sell one night stands and awful, drunk sex, it’s Tucker Max (as well as a billion other inappropriate and unattractive experiences). He may be one of the douchiest men I have ever read about, ever…but he sells himself so damn well that if I passed him in the street, it would be all of me not to run over and “squee”. And maybe go on just one date. Just one.

    My point is, I could write one hell of an article on reasons why not to go to school for Court Reporting. I just spent 2.5 years in a private school, spending upwards of $32,000 in tuition for a course I loathe with every ounce of my being. I think if you are unhappy enough about anything, you could write one hell of a convincing argument on why no one else should go through what you have.

    Am I promised a lucrative career with a 6 figure salary “handed over” to me? Yes.
    Is it worth the absolute bull shit I’ve put up with the past 2.5 years? Maybe.
    Do I think other students feel the same way? Most. I get e-mails from fellow classmates that start with “CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS….” on a regular basis. But there’s that one person, quietly sitting there, dealing with all the crap, paying the disgustingly high tuition (and might I remind you, private schools have no perks like transit/gym memberships etc.) and will come out of this on top and earning butt-loads.

    Interesting post for sure though. I only decided to comment on the one that directly related to me, but that’s what drives the internet, right? Selfish internet comments.

    Keep posting, guys! I love your stuff.

  2. March 6, 2013 at 8:36 pm #

    Ooh you’re absolutely right. Passion always drives good writing. Passion drives any and everything good, really lol. And so, it doesn’t matter if the odds are stacked against whoever, if you’re focused, something will work out.

    This Tucker Max guy’s good though huh? I’m gonna make a note to read more of his stuff.

    As well as yours!!! .. Congrats 😀

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