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Random plots, schemes and any half-formed thoughts

The Case Method has Killed the MBA

“Have you read the case yet?” As the business world continues along its unpredictable path, CEOs, Boards of Directors, and upper management will continue looking for new ways to solve new problems. Tough decisions that have not only theirs, but also their employee’s jobs, and the company itself on the line. Many of these firms, […]

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Monsanto is my Favourite Company

Confession… I’m an Apple fan. A diehard one at that. Not sleeping outside the store waiting for the next release, diehard, but pretty close. In my circle, almost every piece of fresh Apple news gets analyzed and anatomized, usually via iMessage on our shiny iPhones. But a recent lapse in judgement caused me to wonder: […]

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Jason Collins: Sexuality and My Thoughts

Jason Collins came out last week amidst much news coverage which surprised the hell out of me because up until last week I had never heard of Jason Collins. A completely unremarkable athlete/basketball player whose only real achievement in the sport is being the first official gay basketball player. Good for him though, as much as […]

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Finding Truth on the Internet

I read the other day that Google only knows 8% of all the Internet. Google. Eight percent. What’s left is apathetically called the “invisible web”; a mixture of private, but mostly public web pages, inaccessible to most search engines for whatever reason. Eight percent. On a loosely related note, I was talking to a friend […]

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The Unified Theory of Life (Read: Women)

Last week was a great one for CDLS, got some good numbers and minimal backlash from what were some pretty hot button topics. “You guys, I’m loving your stuff, but you know what you should talk more about, relationships!” Huh? “Yeah, y’know like giving some insight into how guys work …and stuff.” I see. Well […]

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5 interesting things I read this week

As you can probably imagine, running a social commentary blog means, reading, and lots of it. Neither of us pulls this stuff out of thin air, so thank goodness for the Internet and all its delicious content. Here’s some of the stuff I found most stimulating this week, and even though I’m working on a […]

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Why do we lie?

Today I decided to take a break from writing about celebrities, politics and the economy. Even though these are some of my favourite topics, for the next few weeks there will be a moratorium on all articles concerning that (don’t hold me to that; I do go back on what I say). On to the […]

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Why do we still have Black History Month?

Why do we still have Black History Month? And if anything why do we need a full month?? Let alone the coldest month of the year. Find me one Black community that celebrates winter. No seriously, I’d actually love to know. At this point I feel we need to change this to some type of […]

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Celebrities and Devil’s advocate

My buddy Imm wrote a great piece last week on acknowledging the real heroes in our society. Fantastic piece, but allow me to play devil’s advocate. Society’s current wage structure pays you according to two things: supply and demand. Simply put, kids who shoot the ball better than Kobe, or sing a falsetto like Mariah, […]

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Musings on Celebrities & Salaries

Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs and he who does God’s Work, received a bonus of $19 million in 2012. Fair play to him; God (that is Goldman Sachs) pays extremely well. Before I go any further let me make it clear that this is not another rant on the Banking Industry. I am in […]

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