The Unified Theory of Life (Read: Women)

Last week was a great one for CDLS, got some good numbers and minimal backlash from what were some pretty hot button topics.

“You guys, I’m loving your stuff, but you know what you should talk more about, relationships!”


“Yeah, y’know like giving some insight into how guys work …and stuff.”

I see.

Well I guess a little change can’t hurt, and maybe CDLS could benefit from a little diversion from our usual socio-geo-politico-economico-worldly-o… stuff. So because we listen to your feedback, I present to you, the unified theory of life. Read: women.

In one sentence: Women have all the power.

As men, everything most of what we do, consciously or subconsciously, is done with the hope of bringing us closer to the fairer sex. I’m not saying anything new here. The difference is that as men, the ball is no longer in our court.

Way back in yonder years, you went to your local church or wherever and you essentially “picked” a girl to make your wife. Fast forward to 2013 and dating is like trying to find a job, in 2013.

Which brings me to the one word that conjures rage and disgust in the hearts of women across the globe– Game.

You see, “game” is our desperate, invaluable and sometimes cruel attempt to reclaim some of the power we seem to have lost in the field of courtship. It’s a set of tactics meant to give us the best shot at getting what we want.

But what if we could just be 100% honest? Right from the start.

What if we thought you were so amazing that we just had to call you the very next day after meeting you?

What if we replied to your texts within seconds because we really were that excited to see your name light up our screen?

Or what if… Never mind, I think you get the picture.

I think the old saying “fake it till you make it” has some meaning here. As much as girls talk about wanting us to “be ourselves” and “be honest”; in that initial courtship phase, often times it doesn’t work. You know what usually works better? Game. So much so, that it eventually becomes permanent. Our “count” rises and we begin to reap the rewards of this time-honored strategy. We get cocky. We get arrogant. Throw in a couple good heartbreaks along the way (yes, guys get hurt too), and everything gets solidified that much further.

Women aren’t dumb. They’re throwing the game right back at us now. And so we need to use even more. And this ridiculous cycle continues.

But what if we could just be 100% honest? Right from the start.

In everything.

What would you do differently if you didn’t have to impress or fit in with anyone? No social or cultural pressures.

Just, you.

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Categories: Non Sequiturs


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3 Comments on “The Unified Theory of Life (Read: Women)”

  1. Katherine Tran
    March 13, 2013 at 4:41 am #

    Interesting read – definitely different from the usual CDLS articles. Back in “yonder years” when courting a woman was much easier for men, our standards were much lower in terms of what we expected, and what we perceived as “good game.” But maybe now that there’s greater social acceptance for men that do show their feelings, and a (for a lack of a better term) greater demand for men that are less traditionally masculine, and reveal more emotional feminine qualities, maybe honesty IS the new “game.” After all, CJ was the one that texted me the morning after meeting me. I suppose it sort of worked.

    On a loosely related note, I’ve spent the past few days reading up on the evolution of animal behaviour, and it’s pretty interesting how you referred to the evolution of game between men and women as a cycle, with each sex trying to out-game each other over time. This part of my comment may seriously be the result of me going crazy from spending the past 72 hours only thinking about sex and evolution, but do you think that these trends in dating and courtship rituals are the result of social evolution? Or some legit evolutionary forces that are selecting for men with more traditionally feminine qualities, and women who are more choosy?

    Yeah… definitely just going crazy 🙂 Totally don’t need to respond to this one, haha.

    • March 14, 2013 at 11:40 pm #

      Definitely agree with you in the point that honesty is slowly but surely becoming the new “game”. At this point, ladies have heard it all, and by being dead honest as a dude, you’re setting yourself apart from the rest of the pack. But I feel like on the general average, typical game is still the winner if you want to get “numbers” 😉

      As far as the guys who are more in touch with their feminine side thing, I think it’s GREAT, because I’d consider myself one of those dudes. It definitely plays well into the whole “honesty’s the new policy” thing

      But I think at the end of the day, and correct me if I’m wrong, most women will usually be more naturally, innately attracted to a “Manly man”, vs us “emo” types.. We’re more an acquired taste 😛

  2. patrickquashigah
    March 23, 2013 at 1:21 pm #

    Reblogged this on korshiequashigah.

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